

Labiana’s investment in R&D: 2.21 million euros

Labiana continues its commitment to R&D for the development of drugs that offer solutions and/or improve efficacy against important diseases in animal and human health, as well as continuing its work in the development of new products to improve efficiency and resource optimization.

The following milestones were achieved in 2022:

Being the first veterinary pharmaceutical laboratory to obtain the first generic injectable Oxytetracycline 30% at European level, a drug scheduled for 2022 in the pipeline and already available on the market.

Obtaining marketing authorization for a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug based on injectable tolfenamic acid, a medicine scheduled for 2023 in the pipeline and already available on the market.

Obtaining marketing authorisation for the veterinary antibiotic Tylosin for oral administration, a pipeline medicine scheduled for 2022 and already on the market.

Obtaining marketing authorization for Gleptoferron iron for injection, a drug that was not included in the list of products under development in the pipeline.

Developing the first European Drug Master File for Gleptoferron iron.

Submitting an application for an exceptional marketing authorisation in Serbia for bluetongue vaccine (sheep), a pipeline product scheduled for 2022, pending publication of a tender. Authorisation was granted in April 2023.

Obtaining a European patent for a galenic innovation.

Expanding the development and research department in its commitment to the development of proprietary products.


Defining strategic lines of development: urogenital system, metabolism and cannabinoids.

Launching Precyst, a dietary supplement complementing Fosfomycin trometamol for the prevention of urinary tract infections, a drug scheduled for 2022 in the pipeline that has already begun its commercialization and licensing-out phase..

Obtaining a new, more efficient synthesis route for Fosfomycin trometamol.

Obtaining 4 marketing authorizations (MAs) for Fosfomycin trometamol in 4 countries and submitting 10 more registrations that are under evaluation.

Upgrading the laboratory with the purchase of 3 HPLC instruments and a UV spectrophotometer.

Marketing authorization activities in each division during 2023

Actividad 2023


TIN A87992616
Avenida Europa, 34 1ºD
28023 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
Email: investors@labiana.com
Phone: (+34) 91 991 26 28