Some of the most notable aspects of the EINF 2022 report:
- – Initiation of the implementation phase for ISO 14001-2015 certification to allow the organization to achieve the results previously set in its environmental management system. The vaccine plant in Serbia already holds ISO 14001 certification. The plants in Spain are in the process of certification, having already passed the internal audit phase with good results and scheduled certification dates during 2023.
- – Regarding the carbon footprint, the calculation for the 2022 fiscal year was done using the MITECO calculator, although the services of the company ALENTA Medio Ambiente, S.L. have been contracted to work on an improvement plan with the goal of establishing a starting point from which reduction objectives can be set:
Scope 1: Direct emission sources resulting from activities controlled by the organization, including the combustion of hydrocarbons for process units.
Scope 2: Indirect sources from the purchase of electricity (including electricity used for process units). - – The Electrical Consumption Reduction Plan through the replacement of traditional lighting with low-consumption/LED lighting has surpassed 40% of the traditional-to-LED light replacement in the last 3 years.
- – Removal of air conditioning units that contained R22 gas. Currently, a 20% reduction has been achieved compared to those existing in 2019.
- – In order to reduce paper consumption, a new program is being implemented for the maintenance department that will digitalize all documents for requests and registrations that were previously done on paper. A reduction of 20.5 kg of paper is estimated, which corresponds to a reduction of 66.25 kg in emissions (scope 3).
- – Currently, 100% of vegetable paper, cardboard, and wood waste are being sent for recycling.
- – In order to give a second life to shredded paper from the facilities, it is being sent to centers that use it for the welfare of animals, thus contributing to a circular economy that promotes greater sustainability in the use of resources.
- – In 2022, 34.26% of the total tons of waste generated were recyclable.
- – In 2022, we consolidated the #LabianaIncorpora project, which brings together all the company’s initiatives for:
- Promoting job opportunities for young people and access to first-time employment.
- Hiring people at risk of social exclusion.
- Encouraging the inclusion of local people. This has led to significant benefits, such as: reducing worker stress, contributing to work-life balance, facilitating better use of free time, and reducing the environmental impact by decreasing the distance of commutes to the workplace.
- – Implementation of the “Improvement Plan, Conflict Detection, and Employee Engagement in the HR Department”.
- – Labiana is committed to quality and job stability. Evidence of this is that more than 93% of the workforce has permanent contracts, and 100% of the contracts are full-time. Currently, the workforce consists of 441 employees, 54.19% of whom are women. By age group, the majority are between 31 and 50 years old.
- – Equality Plan 2020-2024, which aims to promote and encourage social, economic, and political inclusion for all people, regardless of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, or economic situation or any other condition. This plan was approved in 2019, and in 2021, the plan for 2020-2023 was registered. The procedures for updating the plan for 2025 have already begun.
- – Specific training on the Equality Plan was conducted, providing 8 hours of training with the participation of 304 employees.
- – In 2022, training on gender equality and the handling of sexual and gender-based harassment was provided to all managers and directors of Labiana Life and Labiana Pharma.
- – New work-life balance measures have been implemented, such as the possibility of having Friday afternoons off or promoting schedule changes, worker-requested flexibility, or facilitating personal schedule modifications.
- – Labiana is in the process of implementing ISO 45001 with the goal of preventing work-related injuries and health issues or accidents, in order to provide a safe and healthy work environment. The plants in Serbia are already certified, while the plants in Spain are in the certification process.
Avenida Europa, 34 1ºD
28023 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
Phone: (+34) 91 991 26 28