Inside Information
28/10/2024 LABIANA Privileged Information: Regarding buyback programs. Approval of new Buyback Program Ver pdf (148 KB)
26/06/2024 LABIANA Privileged Information: Regarding corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions, and others. LABIANA reports on the agreement signed with VTZ INVESTMENT CO DOO BEOGRAD to increase the capital of Veterinaski Zavod Subotica Doo, which has been a subsidiary of the LABIANA group’s veterinary division in Serbia. Ver pdf (135 KB)
12/04/2024 LABIANA Privileged Information: Regarding buyback programs. LABIANA reports that the Board of Directors meeting held on April 11, 2024, has approved a new Share Buyback Program (the ‘Buyback Program’), under the authorization contained in the sixth agreement of the General Shareholders’ Meeting held on March 4, 2022, for the derivative acquisition of the Company’s own shares. Ver pdf (128 KB)
23/10/2023 LABIANA Inside Information: Regarding share buyback programs. The Company publishes a free translation of the publication issued to the Market on October 17, regarding the Board of Directors meeting of the Company held on September 25, 2023, which resolved to approve a treasury stock repurchase program (the “Repurchase Program). Ver pdf (120 KB)
17/10/2023 LABIANA Inside Information: Regarding share buyback programs. LABIANA announces that the Board of Directors meeting held on September 25, 2023, has resolved to approve a share buyback program. Ver pdf (128 KB)
21/08/2023 LABIANA INSIDE INFORMATION: Regarding financial instruments. The Company announces the signing of the financing agreement within the framework of the financing letter of intent signed with Miralta Finance Bank, S.A. and Blantyre Capital Limited, communicated through Other Relevant Information (“OIR”) to the market on April 24, 2023. Ver pdf (387 KB)
07/06/2023 LABIANA INSIDE INFORMATION: Regarding annual accounts (CAA). The Company informs about the revocation and reformulation of the annual accounts for the year 2022 following the auditor’s instructions during the process of obtaining the audit of the individual and consolidated annual accounts for the year 2022. Ver pdf (5 MB)
There are no communications
14/02/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Operaciones realizadas por directivos. LABIANA informa sobre el detalle de las operaciones de compra de acciones de LABIANA realizadas por ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., representada por D. Manuel Ramos Ortega, Consejero Delegado de LABIANA, el 11 de febrero de 2025. Ver pdf. (107 KB)
10/02/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Programas de recompra de acciones, estabilización y autocartera. LABIANA informa sobre el detalle de las operaciones de compra de acciones propias por parte de LABIANA, realizadas en el periodo comprendido entre el 3 de febrero de 2025 y el 7 de febrero de 2025, en ejecución del Programa de Recompra de Acciones Propias aprobado por el Consejo de Administración en sesión de 23 de octubre de 2024. Ver pdf. (124 KB)
07/02/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Operaciones realizadas por directivos. LABIANA informa sobre el detalle de las operaciones de compra de acciones de LABIANA realizadas por ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., representada por D. Manuel Ramos Ortega, Consejero Delegado de LABIANA, entre el 4 y el 5 de febrero de 2025. Ver pdf. (108 KB)
31/01/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Operaciones realizadas por directivos. LABIANA informa sobre el detalle de las operaciones de compra de acciones de LABIANA realizadas por Sandra Villagrasa Clemente, Directora General de LABIANA, el 28 de enero de 2025. Ver pdf. (146 KB)
31/01/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Operaciones realizadas por directivos. LABIANA informa sobre el detalle de las operaciones de compra de acciones de LABIANA realizadas por ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., representada por D. Manuel Ramos Ortega, Consejero Delegado de LABIANA, el 28 de enero de 2025. Ver pdf. (146 KB)
27/01/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Operaciones realizadas por directivos. LABIANA informa sobre el detalle de las operaciones de compra de acciones de LABIANA realizadas por ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., representada por D. Manuel Ramos Ortega, Consejero Delegado de LABIANA, el 22 de enero de 2025. Ver pdf. (146 KB)
20/01/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Programas de recompra de acciones, estabilización y autocartera. LABIANA informa sobe el detalle de las operaciones de compra de acciones propias por parte de LABIANA, realizadas en el periodo comprendido entre el 13 de enero de 2025 y el 17 de enero de 2025, en ejecución del Programa de Recompra de Acciones Propias aprobado por el Consejo de Administración en sesión de 23 de octubre de 2024. Ver pdf. (136 KB)
13/01/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Participaciones significativas. LABIANA informa acerca de que, en el marco del acuerdo de entrada en el capital del Family Office ANCES MEI, S.L. (que fue objeto de comunicación de Otra Información Relevante de 27 de diciembre de 2024), dicho Family Office ha completado, en fecha 10 de enero de 2024. Ver pdf (51 KB)
13/01/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Programas de recompra de acciones, estabilización y autocartera. LABIANA informa sobre el etalle de las operaciones de compra de acciones propias por parte de LABIANA, realizadas en el periodo comprendido entre el 6 de enero de 2025 y el 10 de enero de 2025, en ejecución del Programa de Recompra de Acciones Propias aprobado por el Consejo de Administración en sesión de 23 de octubre de 2024. Ver pdf (137 KB)
13/01/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Operaciones realizadas por directivos. LABIANA informa sobre el detalle de las operaciones de venta de acciones de LABIANA realizadas por John William Nellis, miembro del Consejo de Administración de LABIANA, el 10 de enero de 2025. Ver pdf (146 KB)
10/01/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Participaciones significativas. LABIANA informa sobre la relación de accionistas con posición directa o indirecta igual o superior al 5% del capital social de la Sociedad a fecha 31 de diciembre de 2024. Ver pdf (58 KB)
07/01/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Programas de recompra de acciones, estabilización y autocartera. LABIANA informa sobre el detalle de las operaciones de compra de acciones propias por parte de LABIANA, realizadas en el periodo comprendido entre el 30 de diciembre de 2024 y 3 de enero 2025, en ejecución del Programa de Recompra de Acciones Propias aprobado por el Consejo de Administración en sesión de 23 de octubre de 2024. Ver pdf (137 KB)
02/01/2025 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Operaciones realizadas por directivos. LABIANA informa sobre el detalle de las operaciones de venta de acciones de LABIANA realizadas por Antonio José Ortiz Romera, Director Comercial de Salud Animal de LABIANA, en fechas 27 de diciembre de 2024 y 30 de diciembre de 2024. Ver pdf (144 KB)
27/12/2024 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Operaciones realizadas por directivos. LABIANA informa sobre el detalle de las operaciones de venta de acciones de LABIANA realizadas por ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., representada por D. Manuel Ramos Ortega, Consejero Delegado de LABIANA, el 27 de diciembre de 2024. Ver pdf (148 KB)
27/12/2024 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Otra información relevante. LABIANA informa sobre el acuerdo de entrada en el capital del Family Office ANCESMEI. Ver pdf (52 KB)
24/12/2024 LABIANA Otra Información Relevante: Programas de recompra de acciones, estabilización y autocartera. LABIANA informa sobre el detalle de las operaciones de venta de acciones de LABIANA realizadas por Ignacio Yáñez Minondo, miembro del Consejo de Administración de LABIANA, entre el 20 de diciembre de 2024 y el 23 de diciembre de 2024. Ver pdf (148 KB)
17/12/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share sales transactions of LABIANA carried out by Antonio José Ortiz Romera, Commercial Director of Animal Health at LABIANA, on December 11, 2024. Ver pdf (147 KB)
17/12/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions of LABIANA carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on December 11, 2024. Ver pdf (146 KB)
16/12/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between December 9, 2024, and December 13, 2024, as part of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on October 23, 2024. Ver pdf (138 KB)
10/12/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions of LABIANA carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on December 4, 2024. Ver pdf (146 KB)
10/12/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share sale transactions of LABIANA carried out by Antonio José Ortiz Romera, Commercial Director of Animal Health at LABIANA, on December 4, 2024. Ver pdf (147 KB)
09/12/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between December 2, 2024, and December 6, 2024, as part of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on October 23, 2024. Ver pdf (137 KB)
03/12/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions of LABIANA carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, between November 25 and November 27, 2024. Ver pdf (172 KB)
02/12/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between November 25, 2024, and November 29, 2024, as part of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on October 23, 2024. Ver pdf (137 KB)
25/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between November 18, 2024, and November 22, 2024, as part of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on October 23, 2024. Ver pdf (138 KB)
25/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share sale transactions of LABIANA carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, between November 20, 2024, and November 21, 2024. Ver pdf (149 KB)
22/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase and sale transactions of LABIANA carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, between November 18 and November 21, 2024. Ver pdf (190 KB)
21/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Other relevant information. LABIANA communicates the update of its Equity Story as of October 2024. Ver pdf (8 MB)
21/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Other relevant information. LABIANA communicates the update of its Equity Story as of October 2024 Ver pdf (8 MB)
18/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share sale transactions of LABIANA carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, on November 13, 2024. Ver pdf (149 KB)
18/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between November 11, 2024, and November 15, 2024. Ver pdf (138 KB)
15/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions of LABIANA carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, between November 11 and November 13, 2024 Ver pdf (148 KB)
11/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between November 4, 2024, and November 8, 2024, as part of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on October 23, 2024. Ver pdf (115 KB)
08/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions of LABIANA carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, between November 4 and November 5, 2024. Ver pdf (173 KB)
08/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share sale transactions of LABIANA carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, between October 29, 2024, and October 30, 2024. Ver pdf (149 KB)
04/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share sale transactions of LABIANA carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, between October 29, 2024, and October 30, 2024. Ver pdf (149 KB)
04/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by the Company between October 28, 2024, and October 31, 2024.
04/11/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions of LABIANA carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on October 29, 2024 Ver pdf (157 KB)
28/10/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Semi-annual and audit/review reports. Financial information for the first half of 2024. Ver pdf. (6 MB)
25/10/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Other relevant information. LABIANA announces the publication of Interim Financial Statements along with the Limited Review as of June 30, 2024, and the holding of a results presentation webinar Ver pdf. (114 KB)
21/10/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between October 14, 2024, and October 18, 2024, as part of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on April 11, 2024. Ver pdf. (117 KB)
14/10/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between October 7, 2024, and October 11, 2024, as part of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on April 11, 2024. Ver pdf (115 KB)
07/10/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between September 30, 2024, and October 4, 2024, as part of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on April 11, 2024. Ver pdf. (116 KB)
30/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between September 23, 2024, and September 27, 2024. Ver pdf. (143 KB)
23/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between September 16, 2024, and September 20, 2024. Ver pdf. (144 KB)
20/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions made by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share sales transactions of LABIANA made by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, between September 17, 2024, and September 20, 2024. Ver pdf. (180 KB)
20/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions made by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions of LABIANA made by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by D. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, between September 17, 2024, and September 18, 2024. Ver pdf. (176 KB)
18/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions made by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions of LABIANA made by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by D. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on September 13, 2024. Ver pdf. (146 KB)
16/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions made by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share sale transactions of LABIANA made by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, between September 10 and 11, 2024 Ver pdf. (139 KB)
16/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share repurchase programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share repurchase transactions carried out by LABIANA between September 9, 2024, and September 13, 2024, as part of the Share Repurchase Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on April 11, 2024. Ver pdf. (118 KB)
10/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the sale of LABIANA shares carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, between September 5, 2024, and September 6, 2024. Ver pdf. (139 KB)
09/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of its own share purchase transactions carried out by LABIANA during the period from September 2, 2024, to September 6, 2024. Ver pdf. (116 KB)
05/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions conducted by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the sale of LABIANA shares carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, on September 2, 2024. Ver pdf. (147 KB)
04/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions conducted by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the purchase of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, between August 30, 2024, and September 2, 2024. Ver pdf. (147 KB)
02/09/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the buyback operations of its own shares carried out by LABIANA between August 26, 2024, and August 30, 2024, as part of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024. Ver pdf. (117 KB)
26/08/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the buyback operations of its own shares carried out by LABIANA between August 19, 2024, and August 23, 2024, as part of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024. Ver pdf. (118 KB)
22/08/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the sale of LABIANA shares carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, on August 19, 2024. Ver pdf. (147 KB)
19/08/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of its own share purchase transactions carried out between August 12, 2024, and August 16, 2024. Ver pdf. (116 KB)
14/08/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share sales transactions carried out by Antonio José Ortiz Romera, Commercial Director of Animal Health at LABIANA, on August 2, 2024 Ver pdf. (148 KB)
09/08/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase transactions carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on August 6, 2024. Ver pdf. (146 KB)
09/08/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback transactions carried out by LABIANA, executed between August 5, 2024, and August 9, 2024, under the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024. Ver pdf. (118 KB)
06/08/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA provides details of the share purchases made by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on August 1, 2024. Ver pdf. (146 KB)
05/08/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA provides details of the share buyback transactions carried out by LABIANA between July 29, 2024, and August 2, 2024, in accordance with the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on April 11, 2024. Ver pdf. (116 KB)
05/08/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions conducted by executives. LABIANA provides details of the sale of LABIANA shares conducted by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, between August 1 and August 2, 2024. Ver pdf. (148 KB)
02/08/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions conducted by executives. LABIANA provides details of the purchase of the Company’s shares conducted by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by D. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, between July 29 and July 31, 2024. Ver pdf. (148 KB)
01/08/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions conducted by executives. LABIANA provides details of the sale of the Company’s shares conducted by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, on July 29, 2024. Ver pdf. (147 KB)
30/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions conducted by executives. LABIANA provides details of the sale of the Company’s shares conducted by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, between July 24 and 25, 2024. Ver pdf. (138 KB)
29/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA provides details of the repurchase of the Company’s own shares conducted during the period from July 22, 2024, to July 26, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024. Ver pdf. (144 KB)
25/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions conducted by executives. LABIANA provides details of the share purchases made by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, between July 22, 2024, and July 24, 2024. Ver pdf (175 KB)
22/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions conducted by executives. LABIANA provides details of the share purchases made by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, between July 16, 2024, and July 19, 2024. Ver pdf (203 KB)
22/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions conducted by executives. LABIANA provides details of the sale of LABIANA shares made by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, on July 16, 2024. Ver pdf (176 KB)
22/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA provides details of the share buyback transactions carried out by the company between July 15, 2024, and July 19, 2024. Ver pdf (145 KB)
17/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Corporate Operations. LABIANA informs about the agreement signed with VTZ INVESTMENT CO DOO BEOGRAD, regarding the restructuring and capital increase of Veterinaski Zavod Subotica Doo, which was communicated to the market on June 26, 2024. Ver pdf (105 KB)
15/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives. LABIANA informs about the details of the share purchase transactions of LABIANA carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on July 10, 2024. Ver pdf (175 KB)
15/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock. LABIANA informs about the details of the share buyback transactions carried out by LABIANA between July 8, 2024, and July 12, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting of April 11, 2024. Ver pdf (145 KB)
10/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions made by executives. LABIANA reports the details of the share sale transactions of LABIANA shares carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, on July 5, 2024. Ver pdf (149 KB)
09/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports on the details of the share purchase transactions of the Company carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on July 5th. Ver pdf (146 KB)
09/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Significant Shareholdings. Significant Shareholdings as of June 30, 2024. Ver pdf (49 KB)
08/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share Buyback Programs, Stabilization, and Treasury Shares. LABIANA reports on the details of the transactions involving the purchase of its own shares by the Company, carried out during the period from July 1, 2024, to July 5, 2024, as part of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting held on April 11, 2024. Ver pdf (117 KB)
05/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions carried out by executives. LABIANA reports on the details of the share sale transactions of LABIANA carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, on July 2, 2024. Ver pdf (109 KB)
03/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the purchase and sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, between June 28 and July 2, 2024.. Ver pdf (148 KB)
02/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the purchase operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on June 27, 2024. Ver pdf (146 KB)
01/07/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company during the period from June 24, 2024, to June 28, 2024.. Ver pdf (118 KB)
28/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Call for Meeting or Assembly LABIANA reports the agreements adopted at the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company held on June 27, 2024.
24/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company during the period from June 17, 2024, to June 21, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024.
17/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by Antonio José Ortiz Romera, Commercial Director of Animal Health at LABIANA, on June 13, 2024. Ver pdf (135 KB)
17/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the purchase operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on June 13, 2024. Ver pdf (134 KB)
17/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company during the period from June 10, 2024, to June 14, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024.. Ver pdf (117 KB)
14/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director at LABIANA, on June 11, 2024.
13/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on June 10, 2024. Ver pdf (145 KB)
12/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the purchase and sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on June 6, 2024. Ver pdf (146 KB)
10/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the sale operations of the Company’s shares carried out by Antonio José Ortiz Romera, Commercial Director of Animal Health at LABIANA, on June 6, 2024, for a total amount of €2,585.00. Ver pdf (154 KB)
10/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA publishes the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company during the period from June 3, 2024, to June 7, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024. Ver pdf (120 KB)
07/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director at LABIANA, between June 4, 2024, and June 5, 2024. Ver pdf (137 KB)
07/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the purchase and sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on June 5, 2024. Ver pdf (136 KB)
05/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by Antonio José Ortiz Romera, Commercial Director of Animal Health at LABIANA, on May 31, 2024, and June 3, 2024. Ver pdf (109 KB)
04/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the purchase operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on May 30, 2024, and June 3, 2024.. Ver pdf (136 KB)
03/06/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA communicates the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company during the period from May 27, 2024, to May 31, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024. Ver pdf (117 KB)
31/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives Attached is the detail of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on May 28 and May 29, 2024. Ver pdf (136 KB)
31/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives Attached is the detail of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by Antonio José Ortiz Romera, Commercial Director of Animal Health at LABIANA, on May 28, 2024. Ver pdf(136 KB)
29/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Other relevant information LABIANA announces the corporate presentation that will be used in connection with the Company’s participation in the Medcap 2024 Forum organized by Bolsas y Mercados Españoles. Ver pdf (8 MB)
28/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives Details of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by Antonio José Ortiz Romera, Commercial Director of Animal Health at LABIANA, on May 24, 2024. Ver pdf (135 KB)
28/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives Details of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director at LABIANA, on May 24, 2024.
27/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the company during the period from May 20, 2024, to May 24, 2024. Ver pdf (117 KB)
4/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Call for Meeting or Assembly Notice of Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on June 27, 2024. Ver PDF (881 KB)
21/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the purchase operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on May 21, 2024. Ver PDF (143 KB)
20/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director at LABIANA, on May 17, 2024. Ver PDF (143 KB)
20/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the company during the period from May 13, 2024, to May 17, 2024.
13/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company during the period from May 6, 2024, to May 10, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024. Ver PDF (117 KB)
13/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the purchase operations of the company’s shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on April 30, 2024. Ver pdf (144 KB)
10/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Regarding suspensions, lifts, and exclusions from trading LABIANA reports the details of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director at LABIANA, between May 8, 2024, and May 9, 2024. Ver pdf (144 KB)
09/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA provides the details of the purchase operations of LABIANA shares conducted by BLUECOLT, S.A., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on May 6, 2024. Ver pdf (143 KB)
06/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the purchase operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING S.L.U., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on April 30, 2024. Ver pdf (138 KB)
06/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director at LABIANA, on May 2, 2024.Ver pdf (143 KB)
06/05/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share Buyback Programs, Stabilization, and Treasury Stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the company during the period from April 29, 2024, to May 3, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024. Ver pdf (115 KB)
29/04/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share Buyback Programs, Stabilization, and Treasury Stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the company during the period from April 22, 2024, to April 26, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024. Ver pdf (114 KB)
26/04/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Annual and Audit Reports Financial information for the 2023 fiscal year of Labiana Health, S.A. Ver pdf (16 MB)
22/04/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share Buyback Programs, Stabilization, and Treasury Stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the company during the period from April 15, 2024, to April 19, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of April 11, 2024. Ver pdf (116 KB)
02/04/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share Buyback Programs, Stabilization, and Treasury Stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the company during the period from March 25, 2024, to March 29, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of September 25, 2023. Ver pdf (142 KB)
25/03/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share Buyback Programs, Stabilization, and Treasury Stock LABIANA attaches the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the company during the period from March 18, 2024, to March 22, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of September 25, 2023. Ver pdf (116 KB)
21/03/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives LABIANA reports the details of the share purchase operations of LABIANA carried out by BLUECOLT, S.A., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, and Mr. John William Nellis, Non-Executive Director of LABIANA, on March 18, 2024. Ver pdf (203 KB)
18/03/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA attaches details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company during the period from March 11, 2024, to March 15, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of September 25, 2023.Ver pdf (117 KB)
1/03/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company during the period from March 4, 2024, to March 8, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of September 25, 2023. Ver pdf (142 KB)
04/03/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company during the period from February 26, 2024, to March 1, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of September 25, 2023. Ver pdf (115 KB)
26/02/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company during the period from February 19, 2024, to February 23, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of September 25, 2023. Ver pdf (116 KB)
12/02/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives The Company reports the details of the share purchase operations of LABIANA shares carried out by BLUECOLT, S.A., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on February 8, 2024. Ver pdf (154 KB)
06/02/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share Buyback Programs, Stabilization, and Treasury Stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company between January 29, 2024, and February 2, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of September 25, 2023. Ver pdf (112 KB)
01/02/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives The Company reports the details of the purchase and sale operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING, S.L., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on January 22, 2024. Ver pdf (153 KB)
29/01/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share Buyback Programs, Stabilization, and Treasury Stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company during the period from January 22, 2024, to January 26, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of September 25, 2023. Ver pdf (113 KB)
26/01/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executivesLABIANA reports the details of the buy and sell operations of LABIANA shares carried out by ORTEGA FARMING, S.L., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, on January 22, 2024, Ver pdf (87 KB)
22/01/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share buyback programs, stabilization, and treasury stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the company during the period from January 15, 2024, to January 19, 2024, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of September 25, 2023. Ver pdf (118 KB)
15/01/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Other relevant information LABIANA attaches the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the company during the period from January 8, 2024, to January 12, 2024. Ver pdf (117 KB)
08/01/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Significant Shareholdings LABIANA reports on the significant shareholdings as of December 31, 2023. Ver pdf (58 KB)
02/01/2024 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share Buyback Programs, Stabilization, and Treasury Stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the company during the period from December 27, 2023, to December 29, 2023, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of September 25, 2023. Ver pdf (141 KB)
22/12/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share Buyback Programs, Stabilization, and Treasury Stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company between December 21, 2023, and December 22, 2023, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session held on September 25, 2023. Ver pdf (135 KB)
22/12/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Other Relevant Information The Company reports on the decisions made at the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting held on December 22, 2023. Ver pdf (235 KB)
9/12/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Share Buyback Programs, Stabilization, and Treasury Stock LABIANA reports the details of the share buyback operations carried out by the Company on December 15, 2023, in execution of the Share Buyback Program approved by the Board of Directors in the session of September 25, 2023. Ver pdf (132 KB)
23/11/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Notice of General Meeting or Assembly According to the OIR published by LABIANA on November 22, 2023, the company announced that, by agreement of the Board of Directors of LABIANA, the shareholders are summoned to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, to be held on December 22, 2023. Ver pdf (183 KB)
22/11/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Notice of General Meeting or Assembly Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, to be held on December 22, 2023 Ver pdf (192 KB)
10/11/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Semiannual Financial Reports and Audit / Limited Reviews A free translation of the Financial Information for the first half of 2023 and the restatement of the Income Statement with corrections of errata has been published. Ver pdf (10 MB)
0/11/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations carried out by executives The Company reports the purchase and sale of 30,000 shares of LABIANA carried out by ORTEGA FARMING, S.L., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA, and Ms. Maria Jesús Crespo Domínguez, R&D and Regulatory Affairs Director of LABIANA, on November 8, 2023. Ver pdf (201 KB)
31/10/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Semiannual Financial Reports and Auditing / Limited Reviews LABIANA HEALTH S.A. publishes the Financial Information for the first half of 2023. Ver pdf (7 MB)
10/10/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Other Relevant Information The Company publishes a free translation of the publication issued to the Market on October 6 regarding the Resolutions of the General Shareholders’ Meeting held on October 3, 2023, in Madrid.. Ver pdf (4 MB)
06/10/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Other Relevant Information The Company informs about the agreements adopted at the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting held on October 3, 2023. Ver pdf (4 MB)
05/09/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Operations Carried Out by Executives The Company informs about the purchase of LABIANA shares carried out by BLUECOLT, S.A., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA HEALTH, S.A. Ver pdf (159 KB)
01/09/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Notice of General Meeting Notice of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on October 3. Ver pdf (301 KB)
18/07/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions Conducted by Executives The Company reports the purchase of shares carried out by BLUECOLT, S.A., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA HEALTH, S.A. Ver pdf (186 KB)
10/07/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Transactions Conducted by Executives The Company reports the purchase of shares by Bluecolt, S.A., represented by Mr. Manuel Ramos Ortega, CEO of LABIANA HEALTH, S.A. Ver pdf (150 KB)
10/07/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Significant Shareholdings The Company reports the list of shareholders with a direct or indirect position equal to or greater than 5% of the Company’s share capital as of June 30, 2023. Ver pdf (102 KB)
10/07/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information
The Company reports on the degree of compliance with forecasts. Ver pdf (102 KB)
03/07/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Annual Financial Statements and Auditing Reports The Company explains and comments on the adjustments made to the consolidated annual accounts for the year ended December 31, 2022, which have been independently audited by BDO Auditores with no qualifications. Ver pdf (266 KB)
29/06/2023 LABIANA Other Relevant Information: Annual Financial Statements and Auditing Reports The Company publishes the Annual Audit Report issued by an Independent Auditor for LABIANA HEALTH, S.A. and its Subsidiary Companies. Ver pdf (17 MB)
The Company announces that it has successfully passed the financial Due Diligence phase carried out by KPMG Asesores, S.L., within the framework of the financing agreement signed with Miralta Finance Bank, S.A. and Blantyre Capital Limited, as communicated to the market on April 24, 2023. Ver pdf (84 KB)
The Company publishes the presentation used in the webinar about the Results Report published on May 3, which corresponds to the 2022 financial year, prepared based on the unaudited Annual Accounts formulated by the Board of Directors on April 27, 2023, following the favorable report of the Audit Committee and in accordance with the recommendations of the Guide for the Preparation of the Management Report for Listed Entities of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).. Ver pdf (3 MB)
Results report for the 2022 financial year, prepared based on the unaudited Annual Accounts formulated by the Board of Directors on April 27, 2023, following the favorable report of the Audit Committee, and in accordance with the recommendations of the Guide for the Preparation of the Management Report for Listed Entities of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). Ver pdf (6 MB)
The company reports on the degree of compliance with the 2022 forecasts. Ver pdf (93 KB)
30/04/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Annual and Audit Reports Ver pdf (7 MB)
26/04/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Change of the Secretary of the Board of Directors
24/04/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Signing of Letter of Intent Ver pdf (91 KB)
09/03/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Transactions carried out by executives Ver pdf (169 KB)
28/02/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Transactions carried out by executives
22/02/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Change of registered advisor
22/02/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Transactions conducted by executives Ver pdf (166 KB)
14/02/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Transactions conducted by executives
07/02/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Transactions conducted by executives
17/01/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Transactions conducted by executives
10/01/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Significant Shareholdings
09/01/2023 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Share Purchase Ver pdf (167 KB)
31/10/2022 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Information on forecasts published on October 28, 2022
31/10/2022 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Labiana announces the launch of a new veterinary medicine
28/10/2022 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Communication of future update of comparative figures for 2021 in the profit and loss statement Ver pdf (104 KB)
28/10/2022 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Semi-annual financial reports and audits/limited reviews. Financial information for the first half of 2022
26/10/2022 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Communication policy and contacts with shareholders/institutional investors
25/10/2022 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Investor presentation update
24/10/2022 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Labiana Health announces the agenda for the presentation of the results for the first half of 2022
08/07/2022 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Expenses incurred in the incorporation to BME Growth
08/07/2022 LABIANA OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: Significant Shareholdings as of June 30, 2022
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