Active substances
Iron, copper chloride, cobalt chloride, vitamin B6, B12.
For the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anaemia in piglets. In general, anaemia due to any cause, in all domestic animals.
Dosage and route of administration
Preventive treatment: Calves and foals: 3 ml on the seventh day of life. Lambs: 1 ml in the seventh day of life. Piglets: 1 ml on the second or third day of life. In addition, 1 ml can be administered on the eleventh day of life.
Curative treatment: Calves and foals: 5 ml per animal. Lambs: 2 ml per animal. Piglets: 2 ml per animal.
Half a dose can be administered 8 days later.
Deep IM route.
Withdrawal period
Meat and offal: zero days.
100 ml vial.