Labiana was listed on June 24, 2022, with a reference value of 5 euros per share and a market capitalization of 36.1 million euros, becoming the first Spanish veterinary laboratory to go public. The operation was led by Norgestion as the registered advisor, GVC Gaesco as the liquidity provider, and JB Capital and Caixabank as placing banks.
Since June 24, 2022, the company has been listed on BME Growth under the symbol LAB.
The nominal value of Labiana’s share is 0.1 euros.
Its price is variable, so it is recommended to check the media, banks, or the company’s profile on the BME Growth website.
All information regarding the directors who make up the Board of Directors can be found in the “Board of Directors” section on the website.
The Equity Story, a document that includes the business model, strategic priorities, and plans to carry them out, can be found in the “Equity Story and Other Presentations” section on the website.
The latest financial results report, as well as reports from previous periods, can be found in the “Periodic Financial Information” section.
The latest webcast and its associated presentation, conducted on the occasion of the publication of the company’s most recent financial results report, as well as those from previous periods, can be found in the “Periodic Financial Information” section.
In the “ESG Commitment” section, you can find the latest Non-Financial Information Status reports, as well as the key highlights from them.
In addition to all the information published on Labiana’s website, you can receive company updates (such as relevant events, financial reports, financial calendar, etc.) directly to your email by subscribing to the “Labiana News” service through the following form.
Any inquiries related to the company should be directed to the investor relations office, which can be contacted via phone at (+34) 91 991 26 28 or by email at investors@labiana.com.
Avenida Europa, 34 1ºD
28023 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
Phone: (+34) 91 991 26 28